Tag Archives: thankful

Angels Gods and Goddesses Oracle Card Reading 30th of October 2015

Here is the guidance card reading from the Angels Gods & Goddesses Oracle card set.
Ask for guidance on a situation or ask a question, take a moment close your eyes then pick a card that you’re drawn to.
Numbered 1- left, 2 – Middle,or 3 – right


Which Card were you drawn to?

See you guidance below

Card 1 – Angel of Finances

You are about to receive a substantial sum of money or a substantial stream of money is about to enter your life. You have drawn this card because of your faith in the universe and your strong commitment to your purpose. External wealth simply mirrors our internal beliefs. You can choose to see the world as lacking or you can see it as abundant. You have realised that money is simply energy, a means of exchange which reflects your values and the way you view life. Honour and give thanks for the blessings you are about to receive and remember to put your money to good use. Spend and invest your money in ways that help you further your true purpose and long term goals, whatever they may be.


Card 2 – God of Conflict Resolution

By drawing this card you are being encouraged to walk away from a current situation which is causing conflict in your life. Understand that walking away from this situation is not a sign of weakness but rather a sign of strength. There is nothing to prove or gain by fighting in this instance. The universe has placed this conflict in your way in order to guide you to your true path. Bless all concerned and let go. By detaching from this situation new possibilities and opportunities open up for you.


Card 3 – Angel of Prayer

You are never alone, nor do you need to tackle or solve everything on your own. The universe, God/ Goddess and the angels are always listening; all you need do is ask for their help and guidance. Prayer does not need to be formal or structured as has been the tradition for so long in many religions. You may converse with the universe, God/Goddess, the angels, ascended masters and all beings of light and love, in your own language and in your own way. The universal power is your loving friend. The pure essence of creation responds immediately to all your requests, however, due to the universal law of choice, it will not act or intervene unless it is asked to do so. Discuss the current issue along with any other fear or concern you may have with the Angel of Prayer.


How did you go?

Did you get the helpful guidance?

Would love to hear if it resonated with you!

Love and light

Kerrie McGilvray

Archangel Oracle Card Reading 28th of October 2015

Here is the guidance card reading from the Archangel Oracle card set.
Ask for guidance on a situation or ask a question, take a moment close your eyes then pick a card that you’re drawn to.
Numbered 1- left, 2 – Middle,or 3 – right


Which Card were you drawn to?

See you guidance below

Card 1 – Brilliant Idea!

“Your idea is an answered prayer. Even though it may push you past your comfort zone, know that God doesn’t give you anything you can’t handle. Ask for, and be willing to receive, all of the support that you need to bring the idea to fruition. Know that I’ll be there all along the way, and you can ask me for help at any time. I’m especially glad to give you ideas and creative insights support your life’s purpose.”


Card 2 – Angel Therapy

 you asked us angels for help with your situation? We can only help if you I
give us permission. Right now,
close your eyes and take a deep cleansing breath. Then mentally call upon your guardian angels and the archangels to help you. Don’t outline how you want to be helped; just tell us what situation you’d like help with. Most important, be open to receiving help as it comes to you. The help might be in the form of a hunch, an intuitive idea, or a direct intervention. If you receive any repetitive guidance, it’s important that you follow it.”

Card 3 – You Know What To Do

You are far wiser than you realise, and your inner wisdom has already given you the answers you seek. Embrace this knowledge, and trust it. If you are doubtful, ask me to give you clear signs to validate your thoughts and ideas. I can also help you out ideas into action, and make decisions about the next steps to take. Just ask me. And then be willing to work with me by taking action.

How did you go?

Did you get the helpful guidance?

Would love to hear if it resonated with you!

Love and light

Kerrie McGilvray

Oracle Of The Angels Reading 26th of October 2015

Here is the guidance card reading from the Oracle Of The Angels card set.
Ask for guidance on a situation or ask a question, take a moment close your eyes then pick a card that you’re drawn to.
Numbered 1- left, 2 – Middle,or 3 – right



Which Card were you drawn to?

See you guidance below

Card 1 – Letting Go

Let go and let God! The stress you are feeling is a result of your struggle and resistance. Instead of fighting against the current, allow the river of life to carry you to your destiny. Everything happens for a reason. Trust that you are in safe hands and always on the right track.


Card 2 – Blessing

The light of God, the source of all creation, radiates throughout the Universe, permeating everything in existence. The very same light that warms your skin on a sunny day exists inside your heart and it connects you to everything in existence. Contemplate the significance of this for a moment and allow an awe-inspiring feeling of gratitude to flow over you. You are truly blessed.

Card 3 – Strength

You have a vast reservoir of inner strength within you. Cast aside your doubts and feelings of insecurity and trust that I have what it takes to be victorious in this situation. You may be feeling overwhelmed by the enormity of what is being asked of you, but you will surprise yourself if you just trust and proceed confidently.


How did you go?

Did you get the helpful guidance?

Would love to hear if it resonated with you!

Love and light

Kerrie McGilvray

Universal Wisdom Oracle Card Reading 23rd of October 2015

Here is the guidance card reading from the Universal Wisdom Oracle card set.
Ask for guidance on a situation or ask a question, take a moment close your eyes then pick a card that you’re drawn to.
Numbered 1- left, 2 – Middle,or 3 – right


Which Card were you drawn to?

See you guidance below

Card 1 – Autumn Leaves

Embrace the changing seasons of your life and be not afraid, for life is forever changing in accordance with Nature and the Divine will of God – Goddess. Trust in the flow of life. The Universe is a loving and benevolent force, of which you are an important part. Just as in Nature, your life is a continuous cycle of changing seasons. Each season holds its own particular beauty and unique vibration, so there is no need to fear change. It may be time to let go of something that has served its purpose and is no longer of any benefit to you. Surrender it with grace and trust that nothing is ever truly lost, for all exists eternally within the universal heart of creation. Look at the image on this card and you will see that as the Autumn leaves fall, a beautiful being starts to emerge. This beautiful being is you. A new chapter in your life is about to unfold. The current events are being divinely orchestrated. There is nothing you need to do except be patient and trust that all is unfolding as it should.

Autumn – a time for letting go of the old.

Winter – a time to rest, contemplate all you have experienced to date and give thanks.

Spring- gives birth to a new and exciting chapter in your life.

Summer – time to bask in the sun!


Card 2 – Blue Angel

Archangel Michael has shown up in your reading to offer you support with a troubling issue or situation. Michael offers you healing and will help you overcome any obstacle, fear or doubt you face. Yet in order for this healing to occur, you must be willing to surrender your problem or concern to Michael. Trust! The situation will either be healed or Michael will help you energetically detach from it. Know that whatever the outcome, it will without a doubt be for the highest good of all concerned. Surrender all your concerns to Michael, ask for his help, and trust that all will be resolved. When you look into he sky, remember, Michael is there, protecting you always. Talk to him; share your concerns and fears. Know He is always listening and remember that no request is too great or too small. Archangel Michael’s energy surrounds our entire planet. Regardless of where you are upon this Earth, Michael surrounds you with his love. He is often referred to as the Blue Angel or the Blue Ray because the colour blue is the frequency he emits and attunes to. Look up at the sky and feel the peace and clarity He brings.

Card 3 – Floating Memories

This card signifies that a wondrous experience is coming your way. Yet in order for this new experience to manifest into your life, you must first come to terms with and release the past. You are ready for this release to occur. All it will take is a conscious desire to do so. In releasing the past you are paving the way to a brilliant future and life will seem new and exciting. Do not hold on to feelings of failure or regret. Each experience of your life and your reaction to it was valid for that time. Past “failures”, “losses”, and pain all served in a positive purpose in your life. Regardless of whether you feel that your past experiences were positive or negative, you have grown from each one. You are who you are because of your history and all your experiences have helped you grow in love and wisdom. Every experience has in some way blessed you. Embrace the past and forgive anything that needs forgiving. Liberate yourself from all illusions. Be fully present and remember that you are not the same person you once were, for life is forever changing. You may now move forward and explore life in whatever way your heart desires.


How did you go?

Did you get the helpful guidance?

Would love to hear if it resonated with you!

Love and light

Kerrie McGilvray

Fortune Reading Oracle Card Reading 21st Of October 2015

Here is the guidance card reading from the Fortune Reading Oracle card set.
Ask for guidance on a situation or ask a question, take a moment close your eyes then pick a card that you’re drawn to.
Numbered 1- left, 2 – Middle,or 3 – right


Which Card were you drawn to?

See you guidance below

Card 1 – Flowers

This card is all about abundance and being grateful for what you have. Spend time outdoors in the garden or park and appreciate the beauty of the flowers around you. Give some to a friend, partner or colleague in appreciation. Flowers also represent beauty. Appearances are of the utmost importance at the moment so give yourself that long awaited colour change or haircut and get some trendy new gear. Be positive. Your future will be filled with much happiness and pure joy.


Card 2 – Fool

This card symbolises a time of unlimited potential and the need to set forth on a new journey – one that is totally unknown and could see you in uncharted territories. Go. Adventures await. Many of you have felt in a rut and scared of change. It’s time to take risks and be assertive, bold and daring. Get out of your comfort zone. A new way of living is opening up for you, new experiences and lots of travel will be presented and most of all, you will be free from worries and burdens. You have the ability, strength and courage.

Card 3 – Birth

This card represents new possibilities and opportunities for transformation. It is a chance to start over as you enter a new phase in your life. This card can also symbolise the birth of a child, a new idea or project, even a new you! Reinventing yourself with a new attitude, new hobbies or even a new diet will be positive. In fact, anything you start is likely to be successful now. As the universal energy sweeps through, a new journey in your life is about to start.


How did you go?

Did you get the helpful guidance?

Would love to hear if it resonated with you!

Love and light

Kerrie McGilvray

Angel Therapy Oracle Card Reading 19th of October 2015

Here is the guidance card reading from the Angel Therapy Oracle card set.
Ask for guidance on a situation or ask a question, take a moment close your eyes then pick a card that you’re drawn to.
Numbered 1- left, 2 – Middle,or 3 – right


FullSizeRenderWhich Card were you drawn to?

See you guidance below

Card 1 – Vegetarian/Vegan

Most likely you have intuitively heard this message from your guardian angels, who ask you honour your body and spiritual path by only ingesting high vibrating food and beverages. This means eating and drinking organic foods, which are free of chemicals such as preservatives and additives. The law of attraction has guided you to consume items that mirror your spiritual path. The angels can adjust your appetite and cravings so that this dietary change is pleasant and natural. In addition, the angels can help you afford any increased cost for organic produce, if you will ask them for this assistance. As you eat more fresh fruit and vegetables, and nuts, you will experience greater psychic clarity as well as an increased sensitivity to energy. Be sure to call upon the angels to shield you should this sensitivity become too intense. The angels will guide you to gentler situations and relationships so that you can enjoy being energetically open.


Card 2 – Ascended Masters

This card indicates that you have a strong connection with one or more ascended masters, who are helping you with the situation you have inquired about. Ascended masters are powerful teachers and healers who once walked the earth. Many are associated with religions, such as Jesus, Quan Yin, the Saints, Moses, Mother Mary, Ganesh, and so forth. You don’t have to be a religious person to warrant an ascended master’s attention. The only Qualification is a sincere and pure desire to work with the Deity for the betterment of Humanity and the planet. The first Ascended master or masters who enter your thoughts right now are the beings who are helping you. These masters love and honour you. They know all of your talents and spiritual gifts, they will help you hone them so that they may be used in sacred service.

Card 3 – Have You Asked Your Angels For Help With This?

This card indicates that you have been going it alone, trying to single handedly find answers and solutions. All the while, your angels hover nearby awaiting the moment when you give them the go ahead signal so that they can help you. You drew this card because the angels want to assist you with this situation, but they can only do so if you give them permission. The angels are available to you right now to answer your questions, give you guidance, and speed your manifestations. It’s true that God and the angels already know what you need. However, because God created you and everyone with free will, Heaven can only intervene if you give permission. It doesn’t matter whether you ask for help out loud, in written form, silently, or even what words you choose. What matters is that you ask. If you are unsure of what to ask for or are concerned about asking for the wrong thing or requesting less than Gods will, then ask heaven to help you with clarity and courage.



How did you go?

Did you get the helpful guidance?

Would love to hear if it resonated with you!

Love and light

Kerrie McGilvray

Whispers Of Love Oracle Card Reading 16th Of October 2015

Here is the guidance card reading from the Whispers Of Love Oracle card set.
Ask for guidance on a situation or ask a question, take a moment close your eyes then pick a card that you’re drawn to.
Numbered 1- left, 2 – Middle,or 3 – right


Which Card were you drawn to?

See you guidance below

Card 1 – Be Willing to Express Love

We are truly loving individuals. Taking time to express love to others helps them realize that they are supported and loved. As we practice this custom, it helps us to become more loving. Once we desire to become a more loving person, it is easier to recognize opportunities to be loving.


Card 2 – Embrace Your Emotions

Feelings and emotions are part of who you are. Allow yourself to feel what is going on for you. Your feelings signal you to the truth of a situation. Take positive steps to determine why you are feeling the way that you feel.

Card 3 – Have Patience

Work towards having patience. If you are lacking patience with others, remember that they are human and different from you. If the impatience has to do with outcome; your prayers are answered. Be a little more patient at this time.


How did you go?

Did you get the helpful guidance?

Would love to hear if it resonated with you!

Love and light

Kerrie McGilvray

Past Life Oracle Card Reading 14th Of October 2015

Here is the guidance card reading from the Past Life Oracle card set.
Ask for guidance on a situation or ask a question, take a moment close your eyes then pick a card that you’re drawn to.
Numbered 1- left, 2 – Middle,or 3 – right


Which Card were you drawn to?

See you guidance below

Card 1 – Mother

This card indicates that your mother in this life was also with you in other lifetimes. This is actually a very common occurrence. The mother/child relationship is a significant emotional and physical bond. If you enjoy a healthy and loving relationship with your mother in this lifetime, you were probably drawn together again because of your fondness for one another. However, if your relationship has been challenging, this indicates a need to balance the karma through your forgiveness.

Your feelings about your mother are directly related to your ability to manifest abundance, as Mother Energy is all about receiving. If you have blocks with your mother, you have most likely developed control issues that prevent you from receiving help from others or from the universe. So, this card asks you to do more personal work concerning your mother. At this time, you may wish to add past-life regression as an adjunct to other therapeutic methods.


Card 2 – Phobias

This card comes to you compassionately to help you connect the dots between current-life phobias and past lifetimes. Often, consciously remembering the past-life source of your anxieties is enough to release their grip on you. The situation you’re inquiring about has its basis in underlying fears or phobias. These fears are energy blocks, which are slowing or prohibiting the results you desire. Phobias have to do with the impulse to have complete mastery over situations that are out of your control. They also bring up many trust issues. Your higher self and unconscious mind know the original source of any phobias you may have manifested. You can unearth the origins of these phobias through a past-life regression, or even through dream work. For example, as you’re falling asleep, ask your higher self to give you information that you’ll remember upon waking that’s related to the phobia. By directly confronting your underlying fears, you can lessen their hold on your unconscious. It’s all about awareness.

Card 3 – Spouse

You drew this card because your question relates to a marriage relationship in this life or a previous one. Perhaps your current spouse is someone with whom you shared a romance or relationship before. If you’re single at present, your future spouse is likely from your past lifetimes. In some cases, lovers reunite across centuries and share an undying bond of true love. This is what is usually referred to as a “soul mate.” So, drawing this card can signify that the person you are inquiring about is, in fact, that individual.


How did you go?

Did you get the helpful guidance?

Would love to hear if it resonated with you!

Love and light

Kerrie McGilvray

Oracle Of Shadows And Light Card Reading 12th Of October 2015

Here is the guidance card reading from the Oracle Of Shadows And Light card set.
Ask for guidance on a situation or ask a question, take a moment close your eyes then pick a card that you’re drawn to.
Numbered 1- left, 2 – Middle,or 3 – right


Which Card were you drawn to?

See you guidance below

Card 1 – Grumpy Red Fairy

To some people in this world, sadly but oh-so-truly, it is all about fitting in. All about playing by “the rules”. And because they’ve put so many restrictions on themselves, they get very disapproving when others, like you and the Grumpy Red Fairy, feel free enough to be themselves, to express themselves in exciting and dynamic and creative ways. When the Grumpy Red Fairy comes to play, it may be time to really just be your own true self: whoever that is from day to day! Wear black! Get a piercing! Put wild colours in your hair! Drink coffee! Play the drums! Just don’t fake it. Don’t smile and be sugary-sweet and all “nicey-nice” just because you think that s how you should be. Be real. Be authentic. Be funny. Be you. Try different things. Find out who you are. Then the smiles that do come will be genuine, and will warm the hearts of us all.


Card 2 – Poe

We are moving from an industrial world to a post-industrial world, where the nature of time, the way in which we interact with nature, and the way we live with the technology we have created will shape us all. So today, think of what your relationship with technology is. Is it sacred? Are there sacred purposes to which this new tool can be put. If you feel intimidated by technology, choose one area about which you would like to learn. It may be as simple as learning how your ipod can be used, or finding the correct cables to use, taking a course in web design or creating a business card. But choose one area to work with technology, and see how it can be put to sacred purpose in your life.

Card 3 – Autumn Is My Last Chance

Time to stop relying on others for that comfort, warmth and sustenance that only true self-love can bring. Waiting for others to give you what you need will be a long and lonely, bone-chilling wait at this time. So, look at what you already have, turn to it, and feast on it! Learn to love and appreciate the apple in your hands, and save the seeds of self-love and plant them. From this one remaining magical apple, comes the gift of wisdom, comes self-love, comes abundance, and comes the knowledge that you are a person who deserves to care for and love your own self. Once you take just one big bite of the juicy apple you will be committing to helping yourself- and then you will be free of the need for approval, shelter, and rescue. There is only one true rescue, and it comes with the miracle of self-life. Go ahead! Eat the apple



How did you go?

Did you get the helpful guidance?

Would love to hear if it resonated with you!

Love and light

Kerrie McGilvray

Natures Whispers Oracle Card Reading 9th Of October 2015

Here is the guidance card reading from the Natures Whispers Oracle card set.
Ask for guidance on a situation or ask a question, take a moment close your eyes then pick a card that you’re drawn to.
Numbered 1- left, 2 – Middle,or 3 – right


Which Card were you drawn to?

See you guidance below

Card 1 – Be Gentle With Yourself

A time of new birth and energy is upon you. Draw on the lessons you have learned to assist you in moving forward. Notice how you have grown and changed as a result of everything that has transpired. Gather information as you go and be ready for new adventure. All signs are positive for successful outcomes at this time.


Card 2 – Trust Your Own Understanding

The information you are receiving is reliable and accurate. Look deeply into the situation before making any commitments. You have the foresight and ability to discern that there is more here than meets the eye. Everything will be revealed in the appropriate time. Don’t feel the need to prove yourself. Be patient and allow things to unfold as they will. Trust in your own observations and knowledge – they hold your truth.

Card 3 – Intuition

You just seem to have a knack for knowing what’s going to work. Your creative process is unique to you. You just get started, and magic happens. You have a lot of endurance, and you’re a hard worker. Once you get focused on a project, you don’t stop. You are a trendsetter, and you seem to understand what people love. You are very forward thinking. You are being reminded that you have your own inner voice guiding you – always. Tap into your wisdom and allow yourself this higher perspective.



How did you go?

Did you get the helpful guidance?

Would love to hear if it resonated with you!

Love and light

Kerrie McGilvray