Tag Archives: gaia

Oracle Of The Angels Reading 26th of October 2015

Here is the guidance card reading from the Oracle Of The Angels card set.
Ask for guidance on a situation or ask a question, take a moment close your eyes then pick a card that you’re drawn to.
Numbered 1- left, 2 – Middle,or 3 – right



Which Card were you drawn to?

See you guidance below

Card 1 – Letting Go

Let go and let God! The stress you are feeling is a result of your struggle and resistance. Instead of fighting against the current, allow the river of life to carry you to your destiny. Everything happens for a reason. Trust that you are in safe hands and always on the right track.


Card 2 – Blessing

The light of God, the source of all creation, radiates throughout the Universe, permeating everything in existence. The very same light that warms your skin on a sunny day exists inside your heart and it connects you to everything in existence. Contemplate the significance of this for a moment and allow an awe-inspiring feeling of gratitude to flow over you. You are truly blessed.

Card 3 – Strength

You have a vast reservoir of inner strength within you. Cast aside your doubts and feelings of insecurity and trust that I have what it takes to be victorious in this situation. You may be feeling overwhelmed by the enormity of what is being asked of you, but you will surprise yourself if you just trust and proceed confidently.


How did you go?

Did you get the helpful guidance?

Would love to hear if it resonated with you!

Love and light

Kerrie McGilvray

Chakra Insight Oracle Reading 25th of September 2015

Here is the guidance card reading from the Chakra Insight Oracle card set.
Ask for guidance on a situation or ask a question, take a moment close your eyes then pick a card that you’re drawn to.
Numbered 1- left, 2 – Middle,or 3 – right


19th sept - 11

Which Card were you drawn to?

See you guidance below

Card 1 – Solar Plexus Chakra

Located between our navel and sternum, our Solar Plexus is truly the ‘sun centre’ of our being. It is the energetic home base of our self-esteem, will power and individuality. When we speak about standing power, we speak of feeling centred, strong and resilient within the core of our Solar Plexus. This card is a call to ignite your inner fire, to breathe into the depths of your belly and to move with more strength, courage and, use your intellect and gut instincts to plan a path to achieve all that you desire. Harvest the power of your will to fuel your ambition until you reach fulfillment of your goals. Become aware of your personal power and your ability to choose the direction of your life. Imagine the light of the sun shining its energy through your individual movements in the world. There is no need to be boisterous, but equally, now is not the time to hold yourself back. Shrinking serves no one. Be proud of who you are and feel confident to express your individuality in full form. It is time now to allow the expansion and expression of your true self. Shining self-esteem will empower others to ignite their flame also! Now is the time to move in the direction to be and achieve all that you can!

19th sept - 12

Card 2 – Love

Love is the most healing, harmonizing and awakening energy to ever move through our bodies. When we are able to truly give and receive love with no attachment, we ignite an inner flame within ourselves that energises and illuminates every aspect of our life. This card encourages you to experience yourself giving, not because of what you will receive in return, but for the profound pleasure of giving.   The simple act of sharing a smile or hug with someone…. Making or giving a gift without a special occasion. Offering a thoughtful word or quiet listening ear in a time of unexpected need… these are all acts of love. What we often fail to realize is that the love we most seek to experience, the love that radiates Divinity, is a love that comes from deep within ourselves. This card encourages unconditional ‘selflove’. Not just loving ourselves when we have won the race or lost the weight, got the job or bought the house, but in each moment just for being who we are. Through self-love we will naturally find ourselves giving and receiving in ways that we never ever could have imagined. Learn to love yourself for all of your colours, strengths, flaws and emotions… in your lightness and your shadow. Love yourself enough to care about what you eat, who you spend time with and how you look and feel each day.   Show yourself love by allowing yourself to enjoy life and have fun. Love yourself just for being you! Do not wait another moment before allowing yourself to experience this great elixir. It is through your true love of Self that you open the pathway to experience love on all levels in your life. Wherever you are on the path, know that love is a choice presenting itself in each moment. By awakening true ‘self-love’, you ignite your ability to give and receive true love in your world. Live in love.

19th sept - 13
Card 3 – Sexuality

It is time to express and experience your passions and desires. To honour the power of your sexual energy as a sacred creative life force, not only in your union with another, but also in your life. On a surface level, this card is an invitation to become aware
of and communicate your sexual values, needs and wants with your partner. Talk about what you enjoy.   Open the pathway to move beyond fears or restrictions that you each may carry from the past. Honour your true feelings about sex and sexuality. On a deeper level, it is time to raise your awareness of the ‘Divine’ aspects of your own sexual energy. To acknowledge yourself as a sexual being, not as popular culture perceives it, but as a pure expression of creative life force in all aspects of your being. It is time to become comfortable with the unique essence of your physical form – who you are, your colouring and textures, the way you dress, your fragrance and body language. Expand your daily expression of your own inner fire and sexuality. Seek to recognize and feel this Divine energy in your intimate partner as well as in yourself. Acknowledge the beauty in the meeting together of two souls.   Feel the energy exchange. Allow the pure love and pleasure of giving and receiving to envelope you and move through you. Allow yourself to be fully present in that sacred space. Expressing your sexual essence can be innocent and intense, playful and fulfilling… joyfully creative and deeply sacred. Honour the sacred power of your sexual energy in life.

19th sept - 14

How did you go?

Did you get the helpful guidance?

Would love to hear if it resonated with you!

Love and light

Kerrie McGilvray

Oracle Of The Angels Reading 23rd of September 2015

Here is the guidance card reading from the Oracle Of The Angels card set.
Ask for guidance on a situation or ask a question, take a moment close your eyes then pick a card that you’re drawn to.
Numbered 1- left, 2 – Middle,or 3 – right


19th sept - 7

Which Card were you drawn to?

See you guidance below

Card 1 – Power

As challenging as life may seem to you right now, trust that you have the power and strength to get through the present obstacles and reach a new chapter of greater peace and harmony that awaits you, just around the corner. Try to keep a positive outlook and not be disheartened by recent events. You are about to tap into an enormous reservoir of power within you that will help you navigate these tough times and come out stronger and wiser.

19th sept - 8

Card 2 – Moving Towards The Light

Each stage of our lives is a bridge to inner transformation. When we go through the stages with resistance and anger, we slow down our progress and can feel stuck where we are. By trying to find the “light” in our challenges and looking at them from a more positive perspective, we move through them faster and evolve. Make an effort to embrace your current challenges by identifying what you can learn and move towards the light.

19th sept - 9
Card 3 – Receptivity

Take the time to still your mind and find your silence within. Dedicating even just a few minutes a day to quiet contemplation will help you become more receptive to the Spirit of Light that allows you to see clearly and find peace and harmony with the universe.

19th sept - 10

How did you go?

Did you get the helpful guidance?

Would love to hear if it resonated with you!

Love and light

Kerrie McGilvray

The Halloween Oracle Reading 21st of September 2015

Here is the guidance card reading from the The Halloween Oracle card set.
Ask for guidance on a situation or ask a question, take a moment close your eyes then pick a card that you’re drawn to.
Numbered 1- left, 2 – Middle,or 3 – right


19th sept - 3

Which Card were you drawn to?

See you guidance below

Card 1 – Scrying

Scrying is the divination technique of seeing unconscious images (or images from the divine or supernatural) appear upon or within a surface. People scry into a crystal ball, a black mirror, water, even the surface of ice. It is a very ancient technique and one traditionally enacted on Samhain (Halloween) The keys to effective scrying are being as relaxed as possible, minimising possible distractions, softening your gaze and allowing. The enemy of effective scrying is distraction… both from inside and out. Turn off the phone, electric lights anywhere where you can see them, any music, and if you are scrying outdoors, take the time to settle into the environment and listen to all the noises so that your mind will not need to break your focus later. It is also vitally important to settle the mind as much as you can. If you regularly meditate you may wish to use those techniques or otherwise you can simply shut your eyes and focus on
slowing your breath – this is usually very effective. If you have a specific question for the scrying medium, state it up front. Then, once you feel relaxed, turn your focus inwards. Imagine pulling your energy within you and then focus on the third eye point (the chakra point on the centre of the forehead, just above the eyebrows) and imagine opening it. Then gaze in a soft unfocussed way at your scrying surface and simply allow images to form and observe what presents itself to you. Do not engage your rational mind – this is about receiving not thinking! Should you pull the Scrying card, I suggest you try it for starters. It also indicates that you may wish to develop your intuition further and not rely solely on the logical part of your mind for all the answers. True wisdom takes a balance of logic and imagination and intuition for true wisdom.

19th sept - 4

Card 2 – Owl


Owls have for thousands of years been part of folklore and have been considered a special or sacred animal. With their huge forward-facing eyes and otherworldly appearance, they have been seen as both wise and as harbingers of the supernatural. There are many hundreds of species of owls and almost all are nocturnal and carnivorous. Interestingly they all have specially designed feathers that enable them to fly silently at night, giving them an incredible hunting advantage… sort of like having a stealth-mode! Many deities were said to be able to change into owls and perhaps the most famous was the Greek Goddess Athena, who was famous for her strategy and intelligence. To this very day, the capital city of Greece, Athens, has Athena’s owl as its symbol. Should the hooting owl come looking for you this Halloween, it indicates the need for wise council or further information before you make a decision. Considered action is warranted. Think before you act emotionally and ensure you think strategically, not impulsively.

19th sept - 5
Card 3 – The Underworld

The idea of an underworld’, a whole realm that we go to after we die, is a concept that crosses a huge variety of cultures and eras. The Sumerians, the Turkish, the Incas, the Greeks through to the Siberians, the Maori and the Kymers – all had a distinct word for he underworld. What is different though is how those cultures treat this concept – whether the underworld is seen as a place of rest and rejuvenation or horror and punishment.   The Christian hell is a place of darkness, fire and punishment. The Egyptian underworld is one of judgment, peace and renewal. In Maori culture it is an in-between place of waiting, wisdom and transition. Many myths that mention the underworld often involve the concept of a place of waiting and of trials and eventual judgment. It can also be a place of joy and peace. Should the Underworld card be present in your reading, you are being asked to consider exactly what you have to do to transform your life into something you find easier or more authentic to you. This may involve changing course. It may involve trials and tests. Keep moving. Whilst things may fall away and your life may appear bare for a time, this is temporary. Space is being made into which you can create the new.

19th sept - 6

How did you go?

Did you get the helpful guidance?

Would love to hear if it resonated with you!

Love and light

Kerrie McGilvray

Wild Wisdom Of The Faery Oracle Reading 11th of September 2015

Here is the guidance card reading from the Wild Wisdom Of The Faery Oracle card set.
Ask for guidance on a situation or ask a question, take a moment close your eyes then pick a card that you’re drawn to.
Numbered 1- left, 2 – Middle,or 3 – right


4th sept - 11

Which Card were you drawn to?

See you guidance below

Card 1 – Beauty’s Truth

‘Tis time to harness and radiate your own beauty, and to realise that by acknowledging your own unique attractiveness, your own beautiful qualities, you begin to BE beauty. Your job now is to embody beauty. If this feels daunting, know that this is not vanity nor is it an attempt to fit in. It is simply coming out from hiding. The world will benefit and you will be kinder, sweeter and more generous when you believe in your own beauty. If you are struggling with the truth of your beauty, sit before a mirror on a Friday night and focus within on love. See this love radiate out from within, and begin to glow. And as you do, watch your beauty grow. The faeries do this, and there is not one who is not divine to look upon. Having beauty will not make you weak, vulnerable, vain or foolish. All these are clichés, and you do not believe in the lie anymore, do you? Faeries have no judgement regarding types of beauty. They are loving and kind and those who keep these same values are beautiful in turn. Do not deny yourself this form of self-love for it has much power, magic and healing within it.

4th sept - 12

Card 2 – Silver Sisters

It is time to approach your energy work in a disciplined way each day, until it becomes second nature. When learning the lesson of this card, it can be a short step away to feel victimised, harassed or picked on. Take all necessary measures within the law and the bounds of what you understand to be right to protect yourself, along with moving through an attack with being touched because you have strong protection and good psychic health supported through practice and discipline. you are sensitive, and because of that you must trust your instincts and your ability to discern what is truly taking place. Lies and hurtful things are possibly being said. Do not retaliate. Take action on your own self. You will not be hurt when you realise that the weapons of attack have nothing to do with you personally, even if you are being attacked personally. you are not other people’s ideas about you. Do not become their lie by responding as if you are. Clear, ground, balance and protect yourself.

4th sept - 13
Card 3 – Storykeeper

Time to tell of who you are. Share your story. Recognise that you are a record-keeper — what is it you wish to gift your ancestors with? Think of the generations to come and live your life as you would wish your story to be told. Bring what you dream of into reality on a daily basis. Tell the best story possible to yourself about your life; writing is therapeutic. Be original in your storytelling!

4th sept - 14

How did you go?

Did you get the helpful guidance?

Would love to hear if it resonated with you!

Love and light

Kerrie McGilvray

Blue Angel Oracle Card Reading 9th of September 2015

Here is the guidance card reading from the Blue Angel Oracle card set.
Ask for guidance on a situation or ask a question, take a moment close your eyes then pick a card that you’re drawn to.
Numbered 1- left, 2 – Middle,or 3 – right

4th sept - 7


Which Card were you drawn to?

See you guidance below

Card 1 – Beyond The Storm

Storms will come and go and every dark cloud will clear. Beyond every storm there is a clear sky. The sun will shine once more, so look beyond the current situation. There is nothing to fear for I, Michael, will protect you and keep you from harm. You cannot avoid the current situation, so let it come and go. There is nothing you have done to create it; sometimes storms just appear. They are part of nature, and your human nature also. There is light within darkness. Look beyond the storm. There is already a clear blue sky in the distance. The sun shines even when we cannot see it.

4th sept - 8

Card 2 – The Eternal Star

Feel the star of light that you hold in your heart and follow your own inner guidance no matter what others say. What feels right in your heart is your truth so let your heart be your guide. Do not agree
to something that doesn’t feel right. Others believe that they know what is best for you. Remember you can always choose to disagree. You will still be loved no matter what you do.

4th sept - 9
Card 3 – A New Earth

This card heralds the start of a positive transformation through which a part of you or a situation that is troubling you is cleansed and healed. There is a renewed sense of optimism. The future seems bright as you try new things and make new acquaintances and friends. This is a time keep focused on what is occurring now. The past is behind you, bless it and let it go, the present is all that matters. Watch for any lingering guilt and don’t over analyse things, especially the past. Know that you deserve happiness and it can only be found in the present. Embrace your new life. Let yourself go, you have nothing to lose but there is much to gain.

4th sept - 10

How did you go?

Did you get the helpful guidance?

Would love to hear if it resonated with you!

Love and light

Kerrie McGilvray

Oracle Of The Dragonfae Card Reading 2nd of September 2015

Here is the guidance card reading from the Oracle Of The Dragonfae card set.
Ask for guidance on a situation or ask a question, take a moment close your eyes then pick a card that you’re drawn to.
Numbered 1- left, 2 – Middle,or 3 – right

Last Import - 7 of 18


Which Card were you drawn to?

See you guidance below

Card 1 – Lady of the New Buds

An affinity with flowers and gardens. Projects need tending. Care every day for small matters, and the large will care for themselves. Resisting change is resisting the life force itself. Look at everything in nature. The seed does not remain a seed. The seedling grows. The tree seems unrelated to its origins, but at the moment, by holding tight to the person you believe you must be, you are running the risk of denying your own life force. Change is positive. Stasis, as a resting point, can work well. As a life choice, it can be a kind of slow death. The emergence will come at the right time, because the bud will be forced to flower at some stage — do not allow yourself to wither in he bud. Divine guidance needs practical application and work. Action teamed with inspiration will create a beautiful, bountiful paradise. Work hard at what it is you love.

Last Import - 8 of 18

Card 2 – Andelle

Feeling deep sadness; having trouble expressing sadness and emotions to others; judging emotions as negative and denying them; refusing o cry; not drinking enough pure water; dehydrated; dry quality
to life; judging tears and emotions as weak; learning to let go; needing connect more to the element of water and its flow. Feeling stuck, misjudged. A close friend will provide help and nurturing.

Last Import - 9 of 18
Card 3 -Nimue

It’s time for you to free yourself from the confines of others expectations and investigate other less conventional ways of making a living. You may be drawn to a particular crystal at this time, and may enjoy simply entering into more regular communication with the element of earth and its minerals. Wear jewellery that has been cleansed by you, and energised by you, and understand its significance and power for you. Make each piece you choose to wear a totem symbolising your own self, adoring and expressing who you truly are. Above all, the message of Nimue is to free yourself. Stop expecting other’s to unshackle the chains and force you to walk free. You, and only you, can remove that which is holding you back.

Last Import - 10 of 18

How did you go?

Did you get the helpful guidance?

Would love to hear if it resonated with you!

Love and light

Kerrie McGilvray

Gaia Oracle Card Reading 31st of August 2015

Here is the guidance card reading from the Gaia Oracle card set.
Ask for guidance on a situation or ask a question, take a moment close your eyes then pick a card that you’re drawn to.
Numbered 1- left, 2 – Middle,or 3 – right


Last Import - 3 of 18

Which Card were you drawn to?

See you guidance below

Card 1 – Ocean of Eternal Love

It is said that love conquers all; this is especially true for you at the moment. Something is resolved and healed through love. What was previously barren now becomes fertile. A seed is planted and you are the co-creator. The conditions are favourable, the timing is right; a new creation awaits you. The birth of something new brings joy and excitement. The forever changing seasons of eternity turn their invisible wheel a new cycle begins. A new image is born.

Last Import - 4 of 18

Card 2 – The Hidden Path

You have travelled far in search of greater meaning and fulfilment, having made much progress and learning valuable lessons. You want to continue your journey, but the road seems to have come to and end. Where do I go from here? The symbolic imagery on this card is set within a magical forest: it seems inviting, yet the way forward is not clear. No physical path exists, however there is a way forward. Between the trees is a symbol for eternal life and to the right a symbol for healing and protecting. This card is inviting you to move forward spiritually and offers you healing and protection along the way. Spirit and matter must now merge if true progress is made; your rational mind must align with your heart. When heart and mind are both focused on the same goal, great things are possible. This is a true spiritual alchemy, all you work towards can now be achieved.


Card 3 -Zen Garden

Life is full of ups and downs, a constant ebb and flow between war and peace. Everything has a positive and negative charge. Harmony and disharmony, order and chaos, clarity and confusion, calm and conflict, are all partners. In our physical world, you cannot have one without the other. Yet, like all of us you sometimes wish that things could change. Why can’t we just live in peace? Well, the answer is that peace is possible, but you can only find it from within. The first step is to accept the world as it is — just let things be. Trust that everything happens for a reason and that there is a higher purpose to all things. Now become aware of your breath, let it guide you to a place of peace and light, a beautiful garden within the golden chamber of your heart. It is here; within our inner sanctuary that you will find the peace you seek. Peace is only possible when there is peace within our hearts. When you are able to find peace even in the midst of chaos then you are a true master.

Last Import - 6 of 18

How did you go?

Did you get the helpful guidance?

Would love to hear if it resonated with you!

Love and light

Kerrie McGilvray

Oracle Of The Angels Reading 21st of August 2015

Here is the guidance card reading from the Oracle Of The Angels card set.
Ask for guidance on a situation or ask a question, take a moment close your eyes then pick a card that you’re drawn to.
Numbered 1- left, 2 – Middle,or 3 – right



Which Card were you drawn to?

See you guidance below

Card 1 – Strength

You have a vast reservoir of inner strength within you. Cast aside your doubts and feelings of insecurity and trust that I have what it takes to be victorious in this situation. You may be feeling overwhelmed by the enormity of what is being asked of you, but you will surprise yourself if you just trust and proceed confidently.


Card 2 – Blessing

The light of God, the source of all creation, radiates throughout the Universe, permeating everything in existence. The very same light that warms your skin on a sunny day exists inside your heart and it connects you to everything in existence. Contemplate the significance of this for a moment and allow an awe-inspiring feeling of gratitude to flow over you. You are truly blessed

Card 3 – Letting Go

Let go and let God! The stress you are feeling is a result of your struggle and resistance. Instead of fighting against the current, allow the river of life to carry you to your destiny. Everything happens for a reason. Trust that you are in safe hands and always on the right track.


How did you go?

Did you get the helpful guidance?

Would love to hear if it resonated with you!

Love and light

Kerrie McGilvray

Talking To Heaven Oracle Reading 19th of August 2015

Here is the guidance card reading from the Talking To Heaven Oracle card set.
Ask for a message from a passed loved one take a moment close your eyes then pick a card that you’re drawn to.
Numbered 1- left, 2 – Middle,or 3 – right



Which Card were you drawn to?

See you message below

Card 1 – Although you may not understand it now, everything happens for a reason.

“There is a Divine order behind everything that happens, including the time of my passing. I realize that you weren’t ready to let me go, and in many ways, I wasn’t ready either. Since my passing, I’ve received spiritual counseling to help me see the big picture of my life and death. I now understand that I had to leave the way I did. It was part of my soul contract—and yours as well. I now see that everything in this universe is mathematically precise. There are no accidents. At some level, your soul knew that I would leave before you did. We’ve both been preparing for this transition since the beginning of our relationship. Am grateful for all the beautiful moments we shared together, along with the lessons I learned from the difficult times. It’s all Divinely perfect.”


Card 2 – You have nothing to feel guilty about.

“Sweetheart, I see you torturing yourself with ‘What if?’ questions concerning my life, health, and passing. You wonder whether you could have intervened so that I’d still be in my physical body. I am standing next to you, right now, to soothe you to understand that you did nothing wrong, that my physical passing was Divinely timed, and that you couldn’t have changed anything. ‘Please don’t burden yourself with guilt any longer! Guilt is a complete waste of your earthly time, which is meant to be used in service of love. Guilt doesn’t undo anything. I have forgiven myself for everything that I think I did or didn’t do, but in the end I learned that everything’s already forgiven. And I pray that you also forgive yourself, because you are so very loved and understood.”

Card 3 – It’s not your fault

“Please, do me a really big favor— stop beating yourself up, thinking that you caused my death or were in some responsible for it. You were not! It’s so hard from the earthly level to understand the spiritual elements of life. No matter what you think you could have done or should have done, I would have left anyway. I am releasing you of any responsibility for my leaving; please let go of any guilt. It will make us both feel better. “The universe is perfect in its makeup, and what we think is a ‘coincidence is just God’s way of remaining anonymous. Trust me—be kind to yourself knowing that what I share with you is true.”


How did you go?

Did you get the message you were after?

Would love to hear if it resonated with you!

Love and light

Kerrie McGilvray